“Lonely” by Hazel Ray: A Heartfelt Anthem of Self-Awakening


The moment Hazel Ray’s single “Lonely” hits the speakers, she presses into action, an immersive journey—one set, quite literally, from simple, crispy reverb on the electric guitars. Steady pulsing percussion sets the rhythm, preparing the way for Hazel to open up and showcase her vocals in this reflective song. Behind the full-faced energy of the track is a deep, resonating message—one speaking directly to those who have felt the sting of isolation and depression.

Hazel Ray and talented Australian producer/collaborator Roxley remind us pointedly here that loneliness is a state of mind, not a condition. It’s a declaration—albeit an invitation—to explore, to wake up, to see we are not alone, no matter how that may feel.

This is so beautifully captured by Hazel in her own words: “In this world, we are programmed to believe we are separate beings and that the voices we hear are us against ourselves. But
when we awaken to the true nature of all that is, ultimately, we realise that we are not alone at all, that we are part of something greater. I want to connect with those ready to explore within to see that they too are not alone”. Place this in context, and “Lonely” becomes an ode to the interdependence of life and spiritual recovery of self.

Hazel’s voice, delicate yet commanding, cuts through the lush production to emotive lyricism. At this point, there’s a sincerity in her delivery that rings so true and invites people to get on with the raw emotion behind this track. From the very way Hazel goes about creating her work, it’s obvious that more than just an audience to hear her words, she invites the audience and makes them feel those words. The energy behind “Lonely” is uplifting, but played with such sincerity it is hard to ignore.

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Production by Roxley in Canada is crispy and full, and Steve James worked wonders at the mixing and mastering stages to bring the whole piece together. This is not his first attempt at self-discovery through the themes of his music. It’s obvious that Roxley’s collaboration with Hazel Ray proceeds with that same vein: exploring human emotions via melody. Together, they craft an audio soundscape that feels at once both intimate and expansive, personal and relatable.

What makes “Lonely” truly unique, though, is the shared vision that this is a beautiful body of music which incites deep conversations around mental health, self-awareness, and a path toward awakening. For Hazel Ray—who is also a self-discovery coach and avid speaker on spiritual growth—this track feels like an organic extension of her mission.

Whether you’ve faced lonely moments or simply need one song echoing truth on a higher level, then “Lonely” does have something to offer. Hazel Ray and Roxley have managed a perfect anthem that calls each and every one of us to look inside, to fight our inhibiting fears, and to remember we are part of something way greater than ourselves.

You can find more of Hazel Ray at:


You can listen to ‘Lonely’ below:

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