Sunset Salore Channels Personal Reflections in New Single “Call It”


In her newest single “Call It,” Melbourne-based singer-songwriter Sunset Salore threads an enchanting and assertive narrative: one that looks in on those small but significant moments that accumulate within a relationship until they can no longer be ignored. This track creates a laid-back percussive and ambient feel over which Sunset Salore builds her vocal atmosphere, allowing it to soar with an effortlessness that speaks to the entwined mystery and introspection of the story.

Sunset Salore enlists a very personal and in-depth approach to songwriting, one that reflects from her inner being, within her own experiences and emotions, to create music that, through the universality of feeling, speaks volumes.

In “Call It,” she captures the moment of realisation and the decision to end a relationship that no longer serves her. “This song is about addressing all the little micro-moments in a relationship that don’t stack up anymore, and in that moment, deciding to call time on everything. Essentially, it’s saying, I’ve had enough with the status quo – this isn’t good enough, I deserve better. I wanted this track to convey the assertiveness that comes with that acknowledgement, and to feel powerful in that moment.” she explained.

“Call It” is the first sign of what’s to come from her upcoming EP, “Love Kills The Monsters,” which will be released later in the year. Sunset Salore’s music falls in the realms of enchanting Alternative Pop with trace inspiration from the likes of Florence & The Machine, Meg Mac, and Baker Boy. With her debut single, “Gold” in 2019, she magically swept across Melbourne with a hauntingly sense of the dark, and ever since then, her live performances have continued to charm audiences.

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“Call It” trails the artistic process of Sunset Salore, as she travels on a journey of self-exploration and of significant moments that shape our lives. “This song was written midway through my journey of writing the upcoming EP. I was neck-deep exploring the moments that change you, or change your situation, and how it feels to be back there. Often, we don’t look too closely as we are experiencing everything the first time around. It’s too real, too raw, too visceral. We can be too close to see clearly. This song allowed me to reflect on these critical moments which changed my trajectory in life and explore more deeply the feelings we don’t sit comfortably with at the time.” she shares.

“Call It” marries personal experiences into a narrative that questions the norm and place of labels in relationships. “As a society we use labels a lot, but sometimes in relationships we can be scared to label things at all. ‘Call It’ also seeks to throw out the notion that labels materially change the accountability each party brings to the table in a relationship. It really matters how we treat each other, regardless of what we do or don’t want to call that interaction.” says Sunset Salore.

As we await “Love Kills The Monsters,” listen to “Call It” as this strong expression of Sunset Salore’s ability to convert deep emotions into mesmerising melodies with thoughtful lyrics. It was quite a strong message of self-mastery and finding that strength within to walk away from anything no longer serving you. Sunset Salore carries on inspiring and enchanting, promising more of captivating music into the coming months.

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Cover Photo Credit –  Laura DuVe

You can listen to ‘Call It’ below:

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